Sunday, January 14, 2018

Day One Hundred Fifty-Seven: A Wrinkle in Time

Last week we went to the library to look for a book that Max had started but had left behind at one of our stops during the holidays. The library didn't have it, so I jumped on Amazon then and there to see if I could find it. It happened to be a Newberry Medal winner, and my search turned up a boxed set of Newberry books which was only a couple of dollars more expensive than the single book. Thinking these would be great books to have in our personal library, I immediately purchased the set. A Wrinkle in Time was one of the books in the set (though not the one Max had been looking for), and though I had vague memories of reading it as a child, I couldn't come up with any of the plot. My older kids have read the book in the last few years and were so excited to see it among the new books. Since we want to see the movie based on the book when it comes out this spring, and since we have a general household rule that you have to read the book before you can see the movie, I plucked the book out of the set and brought it with me to pass the time at Ruth's horse show today. I had remembered nothing, except for the names of some of the main characters, so I think it definitely counts as a First. And, I haven't read a children's book for my own enjoyment in quite a while, so there's that. It's such a great story about good versus evil and using both your perceived strengths and weaknesses to lead you through trials to the place you're meant to be.

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