Saturday, October 7, 2017

Day Fifty-Eight: Overnight in Addison

Well, the idea here isn't very original, since it's so similar to a first of a week ago, but the experience is original, so I'm going to go with it.

Ruth had plans to attend a homeschooler's homecoming dance in Addison tonight, and our choices were to all go to Addison and hang out and come back home after the dance (meaning we wouldn't get to bed until around 1:00 am), all go to Addison and just spend the night, or divide up our group and spend the evening apart. We decided to go with choice B.

So, we all loaded up and headed to Addison and checked in to our hotel. The boys swam for a while before it was time to take Ruth to the dance. After we got her dropped off, we tried a new-to-us Mexican food restaurant called Cinco Tacos Cocina and Tequila. It was fabulous! We stopped for ice cream before heading back to the hotel. It was a fun night and a great experience, even if it wasn't my most original First!

Swimming at the hotel

Looking beautiful for homecoming

Lobster burrito. Yum!

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