Sunday, August 5, 2018

Day Three Hundred Sixty: Pursuing the Present

"Before anybody can even think about their intentions and what they want out of life, they need to discover what it means to be present." This quote comes from a book by Mallika Chopra called "Living with Intent," which I am currently reading. The author makes the point that it is easy for our thoughts to dwell on the past or race ahead to the future but that it is fairly difficult for them to settle on the present. This is certainly true for me, and reading this book has made me more aware of my need to be more present. So, during my run this morning, I began trying to force myself to focus on the present moment by tuning in to my senses. I wouldn't allow myself to think of anything except the sound I was hearing or the object I was seeing in the present moment. When my mind started to wander, I picked a new sense and focused on it completely for a few seconds. I have never done this kind of exercise before, but it was a good practice. It felt peaceful and grounding.

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