*Explanation of expletives from Grammar Revolution* |
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Day Eighty-Four: Expletives
One of Weston's (and my) favorite things to do in Grammar class is to "stump the teacher" by coming up with the wackiest, most verbose sentences he can think of and then have me parse and diagram them. Sometimes he'll have a very wordy, but not overly complicated, sentence that I can work through quickly, and this is disappointing to him because "there were so many words." But sometimes, he comes up with a doozy, and I truly have to work my tail off and employ all kinds of online and offline resources to figure it out. And this is, of course, thrilling for him. Today, he really gave me a challenging one, and I had to search around for quite a while to figure out one part of it. When I finally found the answer, I had to do a double take because the thing was called an expletive. I have seen countless sentences with these so-called expletives but, until today, never knew what they were called or how to diagram them. It was an exciting discovery! So, the next time English Grammar makes you want to use a four-letter word, you'll know that expletives are indeed acceptable. 😉
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