Saturday, August 12, 2017

Day Two: Bikini

Ok, so I technically wore a bikini on my honeymoon. But that was almost 19 years ago, and I wore a cover-up pretty much the entire time, so I think I can still count it as a first. Plus, I definitely haven't worn a bikini since having kids, so there's that. For most of my 40 years, I have been anywhere from somewhat to very uncomfortable in my own skin. I've always seen the flaws (and probably exaggerated them in my mind), and I've always been embarrassed by them. I also spent entirely too much time worrying about what other people might think. But, as I've gotten older, I've learned to appreciate me for who I am, and I've trained myself to ignore the temptation to compare myself to people I know and people I see portrayed in the media. I've also learned that most people aren't thinking anything of me because they are much too busy thinking of themselves. That's why I decided it was time to don a bikini again. My body is not perfect, but it's not something I need to be embarrassed of.